- PHP Code Beautifier – Formats and beautifies PHP code to improve readability: https://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Beautifier
- PHP Fiddle – An online PHP editor and sandbox environment for running and testing PHP code snippets: https://phpfiddle.org/
- PHPStan – A PHP static analysis tool to detect bugs and code issues without running the code: https://phpstan.org/
- Composer – A dependency manager for PHP, allowing you to manage libraries and packages in your project: https://getcomposer.org/
- PHP CS Fixer – A tool that automatically fixes coding standards issues in PHP code: https://cs.symfony.com/
- Xdebug – A debugging and profiling tool for PHP that helps in tracing and identifying performance bottlenecks: https://xdebug.org/
- PHPBench – A benchmarking tool for PHP applications to measure performance: https://phpbench.readthedocs.io/
- PHP Mess Detector (PHPMD) – A tool to detect potential problems, unused code, and coding issues: https://phpmd.org/
- Tinkerwell – An interactive PHP code runner for quickly testing and debugging PHP snippets: https://tinkerwell.app/
- Laravel Valet – A development environment for Mac, optimized for Laravel, that serves PHP applications quickly: https://laravel.com/docs/valet
- Pest – A minimal and straightforward testing framework for PHP, providing clean and concise syntax: https://pestphp.com/
- PHP Playground – An online platform to write, execute, and share PHP code easily in a sandbox environment: https://php-playground.com/