Star Wars: Return of The Sith Text Based MMORPG
Star Wars: Return of The Sith Text Based MMORPG
If you need help. Contact
My Name is Randal. Found this old game laying around the internet full of bugs and decided to bring it back to life.
Now lets begin.
Ignore all other README files within this build. Ill bring parts of it here. (MAYBE)
Navigate to SRC folder with terminal ( Ubuntu 16+ Ubuntu 18+ )
type: make all
if crashes. Read error and submit to GIT and download later version.
Port is important :)
Currently set at 1111
You can change this by navigating to startup file within the SRC folder. Edit using your favorite text editor.
If you’re using ubuntu 18+ you will need to install CSH “sudo apt-get install csh”
then navigate to SRC dir and Type: ./startup
To erase all .o files if you decide to recompile SRC here is a short script to do so.
Type: find . -type f -name ‘*.o’ -delete
Please note you must execute command above within SRC dir.
- Now able to save at anytime even if not a grad. CTRL-F “CODELYFE” within act_comm.c and save.c for edits made.
- Starting point is much easier to pass!
Project Details
2020 Version All planets work. If you need help. Contact […]